Wednesday 22 February 2012

Weird Word Wednesday!!


Just say it.


How weird is that? Right?? I mean, your vowel sounds go all long and you can't even help it.

Point #1:
The word "odd" is right there in the pronunciation of the word. I mean, I shouldn't even have to make any more arguments as to why this qualifies for a Weird Word Wednesday post.

Point #2:
If the sound of the word isn't enough to get you thinking about this word, there's the meaning. Imperfect. Less than adequate. Unacceptable. Nobody wants anything about who they are or what they've done to be described as "flawed" do they?

Point #3:
Say the word really slowly, and I mean REALLY slowly. Really take a second to try out each letter in the word as you say it. First you get the scrape of your teeth against your lips with the F. Next you have to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth for the L. For the AWE your face goes all fish-lipped and if you're still doing it now I'm sure you look ridiculous. Finally is the D, where you have to reign in your fish lips and bounce your tongue off the roof of your mouth really quickly.

I'm sure I've just ruined pronunciation and enunciation for you forever, but really. What is with this word? The letters take over your whole mouth, leaving you with this sense that you didn't even say a real word. How bizarre is that?

If you guys have any suggestions about weird words that you'd like us to talk about leave some comments below!!

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