Tuesday 21 February 2012

Attention span? What's that?

Okay, so in the first post of this blog (which you can find here) we mentioned a few of the wonderous ways that proved you were socially awkward. One of these ways was wondering if you have ADD, ADHD or OCD.

Acronyms are pretty key to social awkwardness. See: LOL.

Now as most of you know, ADD stands for attention defecit disorder, ADHD stands for Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder and OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Now I don't know much about any of these disorders, so that puts me in the perfect position to self-diagnose. Especially when I have Google at hand and a most probable case of being a hypochondriac (it sounds much cooler than it actually is). So I can pretty much be sure that my diagnosis will be entirely accurate.

I have reason to believe I must have ADD or ADHD. I can not focus on anything for too long. In the amount of time it has taken me to write this much, I have checked Tumblr several times. The only reason I am really writing this is I'm have a case of I-Can't-Get-The-Fuck-To-Sleeps and there's really not much else to do at 3AM.

My attention span is to the point where I can't read long blocks of texts anymore. Even if I want to. I can't keep a conversation going for very long. I tend to change topics. Those who know me well, know I digress a lot. It makes for interesting conversations. I also zone out if I have to listen to anyone for any amount of time without being really interactive with them. Ie Lectures. Even when I like my lectures, I realize part way through my professor's voice has become that of adults from Charlie Brown.

Bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah bwah

I thought this would be more interesting and hilarious.

So what happens when you have an attention span like mine? Really awkward conversations. There tends to be a lot of,

"So did you do something about it?"
"Yes. That is exactly what I just said, 45 seconds ago."
"Oh. Sorry, I tuned out about halfway through what you were saying."
"Wow. Nice. Well anyways, as I was saying--- Are you listening?"
"What? Yeah. Yeah, of course."

I'm really not, it's just really impolite to say no and walk away to whatever was distracting me from the corner of my eye.

I also get a lot of conversations like this:

Me: So I was really pissed off and I said to him-- Oh there's a squirrel over there it's so cute!
Friend: You said that to him?
Me: To who?

It can be a little frustrating at times.

So for those of you that actually have a medically diagnosed case of ADD or ADHD, what do you think my diagnosis is? Do I have it, or am I just dumb?

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