Monday 13 February 2012

Moustache Monday!

Want to make your own moustache? Not satisfied with last weeks materials? Well here's all you need to give yourself or whatever you like a very convincing moustache:
Need proof?
Bam! Don't I look foine with this moustache? Looks like I grew it over night!

But your own face isn't the only thing you can make snazzy with this beautiful 'stache! Here are a few more examples!
Damn computer, if you weren't already my boyfriend, I'd be hitting on your all night long.

This faceless mask really needed some snazzing up. Now it's all fixed! 

Well this tourist monkey now would fit in at any Gentleman's Cigar Club. I really want to go to one of those. I don't even really know what it is. I just know it's where I want to be. 

This was made to have a moustache!

Look how happy this tissue box is to have a moustache! It's grinning from ear to ear!

Send us some pictures of things you like to put moustaches on! C'mon. You know you want to. If you need any information about how to contact us, leave us a message in the comments and we'll come up with a solution, lickety-split. Yeah. I said that. Deal with it.

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