Sunday 5 February 2012

Things You Do When You're Alone

Alright, now before anyone gets any ideas, this isn't supposed to be some dirty post, so get your mind out of the gutter.

Have you composed yourself?

Good, then we can continue.

Now, if you're like me, and your parents tell you that they're going away for the weekend and you have the house to yourself, you get super excited. You may think, "Aw yaaaa I'm gonna have an awesome party with all my awesome friends and it's going to be so awesome!" but let's be serious, how many of us actually do that? Even if you plan to have people over you're not going to invite like 50 of them. Personally, I generally opt to stay completely alone. It's so much easier. Plus, I can get a jump start on my various solitary activities.

I know, you're all thinking, "Man, this chick is going to end up with like 12 cats and no friends," and you're probably right, but hear me out.

The number one thing I'm pretty sure we all do is crank our music. There's nobody around to complain about the volume or the lyrics, and you can sing along and say all the swear words without feeling awkward. Plus you can dance like an idiot and not be judged, which is excellent if you dance anything like I do.

Second on my list tends to be watching a lot of Netflix. I don't know why this happens when I'm alone other than that there's nobody to walk in and interrupt whatever I've chosen to watch. Nobody is gonna burst in during a sex scene to tell me that I have to unload the dishwasher or something like that.

Third is obviously eating. I don't have to eat when everyone else is hungry, I can eat whenever and whatever I want. Sure, there tends to be a lot of cereal consumed, but that is by choice! Also, it means way less dishes to clean up than if I were to actually cook. Also I can't cook...

Going on nighttime adventures is fun. There's not much to do in a small town like mine, but just going out to look at stars is good enough sometimes.

Alright so my weekends alone aren't so exciting, and if you found this to be a little pathetic then maybe use me as an example of how not to spend your weekends alone.

What do you do to fill your time when you're alone? Leave some comments below :)


  1. I like playing cod with a mic (i use it when my parents are home but more cautiously)

    But technically. Playstation network friends are still friends. And partying up for online gaming is still partying nonetheless.

    So i guess im still coooler than you :P

    1. Video games are always a good option too, you're right! I don't have to be cool I'm socially awkward!!

    cilia *said in retardosaurus rex voice on drugs*
    use the tongs grab the beaker x2
    geeky scientist
    phospholipid bilayer x2
    endothermic exothermic x10

    and now ends my epic dance montage

    1. Bree I just love you so much forever and ever ok
