Monday 6 February 2012


So there's a lot of intrigue in moustaches right now. Every girl wants one but they can't grow them (goddamn estrogen). So what is a girl to do? Make her own, of course! 

So what are the many ways to make a moustache? Well I'll show you the ways that I have made mine: 

There's tape. Tape is your friend. You can make all kinds of moustaches with tape. And as you can see above, you can also add a beard! (Please note: When you're walking around a tourist attraction to get to the bathroom, it can cause for some very strange looks)

Hats. Lots of winter hats have these wonderful strings you are supposed to use to tie under your chin. Well that's the wrong way to use them. Go ahead, make a moustache for yourself. 

Pipe cleaner can do the trick too! This one here looks more like whiskers, but I assure you, my intent was to have the best moustache in town. 

Don't have a lot of materials? Just use your fingers! This is my famous Curly Q moustache. Okay, I didn't make it famous, but it is mine, and they are my hands, so I think that's fair. 

Got any other great ways to come up with moustaches? Let us know! If you have any pictures, be sure to send them to us :) More moustaches coming your way next week!

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