Sunday 19 February 2012

We all do it... Don't lie

Yes, there's a deep dark secret we all share. Something we fear other people knowing or finding out. But I think it's time we break free of these earthly bonds... Time to let it all out. Yes. I'm talking about...

Our secret desire for bad TV.

We all have at least one show that we know is awful and terrible, but we still secretly sneak into the family room to watch it when no one is looking.

For some it's reality television, for others it's MTV originals. For some it is children's shows. By this I'm referring to the new stuff that is on nowadays, not the awesome stuff that bombarded our young impressionable minds in our formative years. That stuff I am never ashamed of.

I don't know what it is, but there is an entertainment factor in the awful. Is that not the same reason that we watch really bad movies? We sit there and we laugh at them and point out plot holes and bad character development, but in the end, we're still watching them. We're still giving it the acknowledgment of its existence.

This is nothing to be ashamed of. What is important is that we don't pay them any money. They can have their ratings, but do not buy into the franchise. We should really raise our standards, so maybe eventually we'll just bury our guilty pleasures by not allowing them to exist too long.

Do not buy Jersey Shore spray tan (cause I'm sure that exists somewhere). Do not get Hannah Montana socks! Even if you get to step on her face whenever you wear them. Just do not buy into the franchise. 

But do not let this happen to good shows. Make sure they stay on until they've worn out their welcome.

But most of all, get your friends together and watch it together. What is better than sitting with friends with a bowl of popcorn and belting out whole hearted mockery at a dumb character who really would not survive in high school because, seriously, who wouldn't beat up that kid?

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