Monday 20 February 2012

Moustache Envy

It seems to be an ever increasing trend for lady-folk to want facial hair, or at least for them to be envious of the ability that most men have to grow it. I say most because lets face it, most white guys in their teens can't grow more than a greasy teen 'stache. Sorry guys, it's just the truth. But back to the point. Why are girls so obsessed with this lately?

For me it's because you can do such amazing things with it. I mean, have you seen some of those pictures of men with sculpted beards?? I mean just look at this guy:

He's like "I don't care about what you have to say, I have an epic fucking beard right here"

Fantastic. Just top notch.

As Mariah talked about in other Moustache Monday posts, you can make your own facial hair of of just about anything. When we were at school we made so many moustaches out of tape, and even paper towel rolls as you can see here...

But really it's just not the same. You can shape a moustache out of tape if you really have no other choice but in the end I will never feel quite like I have a beard or a moustache. I will always have moustache envy.

What do you guys think? Ladies, do you wish you could grow facial hair of your own? Guys, what are your thoughts on facial hair? Do you want more or is it just plain annoying? Tell me things!

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