Thursday 23 February 2012

Not a very nice night.

You know what is the worst. You're in deep sleep, probably having the best fucking dream you may ever have. You haven't been asleep for long yet. And then suddenly, your bladder turns against you. You have never had to pee so bad in your life. You can't even contemplate holding it in for any longer.

So you stumble to the bathroom, bumping into walls, doors and railings on your way there. It has never been such a journey before. But things are different. You have never needed sleep as much as you did now.

Anyways, we'll skip all the bathroom stuff, cause really, we all know what happens and nobody really likes reading about it. So anyways, still bleary eyed and a little blind, you stumble back to your bedroom. You lie back in bed and you close your eyes, ready for sweet sweet slumber to take you over.

But something happens. Actually, not quite. What really happens is: nothing. You aren't falling asleep. You roll over and see if getting more comfortable helps. You lie that way awhile before trying a different position. Your teddy bear (not that I sleep with one, pshh) gets shifted from in your arms, to under your head, to the other side of the bed and back into your arms again.

You lie there for hours. Time passes slowly and you check the time compulsively. You sigh and your growl and you beat your head with your hands hoping a small concussion will put you out. But nothing works. So then you get mad, and the more mad you get, the more awake you get, and the more awake you get the more mad you get. Until you enivitably give up. You are not getting back to sleep.

And this is why I am up at 7:30 in the morning writing a blog. Because 4AM is a terrible time to have to pee. And the two hours sleep I got before that is the reason that this post is a little weird and kinda terrible.

Time to get ready for school now...

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