Thursday 9 February 2012

The Greatest Menace.

Okay, there is something I need to say.

Baby animals (how did I manage to pronounce it aminals in my head?) are a menace!

How could something so adorable and unthreatening be a menace, you ask? THAT'S EXACTLY IT!

So you're sitting at your computer scrolling through whatever site that pleases you and your face is kinda like this: : :| but then you come across a photo of a baby animal and all of a sudden you're like: =} ^_^ :3 *flail and spasm to the floor* 

That's not normal. Things should not affect your mood to that extent. It is not cool in any way.

Like how am I supposed to be angst ridden and hate the world when I suddenly start squealing and making those weird faces where your mouth and your eyes like try to squish into the middle of your face because I saw a picture of a kitten just sit there looking adorable? I can't! That's the issue!

To prove my point, I just saw a picture of a puppy and started to hyperventilate.

Like if I was being mugged and then all of a sudden the mugger help up like a baby monkey, I'd be like "HAVE ALL THE MONEY!" and then squeal and play with the monkey until it threw fecal matter at me.

So you can see that baby animals pretty much are the most dangerous weapon we have. But maybe it could be used for good.

What if every time there was an international dispute, they just shoved baby animals in the faces of those who might declare war? They'd all go, "D'aawwwwww" and roll around the floor like a cat with cat nip. Problem solved. World peace achieved.

I just solved all the world's problems.



    Admit it you would love to find this in your pants ;) not as dirty as that reads honest xD

  2. Adorable!! Hey thanks for commenting on our stuff :D
