Tuesday 7 February 2012

Friendly Conversations

I don't know about you, but when I get together with my friends, the weirdest things end up getting said. I don't know what it is, but a conversation with a friend always ends up crossing lines than with conversations with acquaintances, family or total strangers. Maybe it's because you're way more comfortable with friends, and they're gonna make fun of you for something, might as well be for something rather stupid you said.

I can't help it. When I'm with friends our conversation end up, typically on a whole new spectrum of weird. I'm sure I'd be committed or something for the kind of conversations I have. I'm fairly certain I'd be frowned upon in many public situations if we were ever overheard.

Whether it be about people you find attractive, music, movies or just things that happen in our day, my friends and I always seem to manage to take it to the extreme.

For example, how did my friend and I manage to get from the wriggling disembodied tail of a lizard to Japanese tentacle porn? It remains a mystery to me.

Another example, my friend and I managed to describe how a good singing voice makes us feel. It went something along the lines of, "I just want to wrap your voice around my naked body."

Yes, it gets weirdly and uncomfortably sexual. Yes, improbable and probably impossible things get said.

Here's a conversation between me and Becca, the co-writer of this blog:

M: Okay, so I'm not doing the impossible. Cool.
B: Cooler if you could do the impossible, but not being crazy is better. I mean bad crazy of course. Cause gurl, you all kinds of good crazy.
M: Awww yeaah! It would be awesome to do the impossible. But then the universe would probably eat me cause it doesn't like that shit.
B: Probably. Then I'd be sad.
M: I'm be pretty sad too. Although I bet the stomach of the universe would be pretty cool.
B: Yeah, there would be some neat stuff in there
M: Maybe I'd meet like aliens and stuff. And people and things that randomly disappear. Like that one sock of a pair. Always vanishes like it doesn't want you to have matching socks.
B: I hate it when that happens. I'd try to rescue you and you could be a hero and bring everyone's missing socks back once we were done exploring.
M: It would be the greatest adventure ever!

Yes. These things are said. We do contemplate what we'd find in the bowels of the universe if we were ever consumed by it in anger.

It can get weirder. Usually there are weird sound effects, flailing of body parts and the bursting out into song and dance to accompany it. I can't truly encompass how awesome and hilarious our conversations get in one blog. Maybe one day I will be able to.

So what are some weird conversations that you guys have with your friends? Do they get stranger than this? If so share below! Cause honestly, that's the best entertainment there is.

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