Thursday 16 February 2012

Dear Readers

I think it is time we had a little chat.

Mariah and I can see how many people look at our blog every day, from where, what browsers you use, everything. We don't know exactly who you are, obviously, but we know you are out there. We know you are reading these posts.


Out of all our published posts, we have a total of five comments. Five!! That's pathetic. We are working our butts off to get these posts out for you and be all witty and whatnot, the least you can do is help us out! I'm not saying you have to be stalker-ish and comment on every single thing we post, but a comment here and there is always helpful! We want to be your socially awkward internet friends!

So please. If there is anything you want to hear us rant about, or talk about, or share our opinions on, LET US KNOW!! We really do want your feedback.

Oh boy, now I sound like I'm begging for it... Just answer some god damn questions once in a while.

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