Friday 24 February 2012

Fun Food Friday: The Wonders of Bulk Barn

Today is, as you know, Fun Food Friday! Today, I am going to talk about one of the most amazing places to get food. I'm pretty sure it's just Canadian, so for all you non-Canadian readers out there, I'm very sorry that you have to miss out on the wonder that is Bulk Barn.

I'm sure there are other versions of this in other countries so I guess maybe you're not missing out after all. I sure hope not because it is actually amazing.

You walk in and at the front they have their seasonal candy (right now it's all Mini Eggs and jelly beans and Easter candy), and then once you've worked your way through there, you get to the aisles. Then you have your baking supplies (ignore them), and you have nuts (keep on walking) and you have juice and stuff (almost there) and finally you arrive at candy. This is where you've been headed all along, you just walk up and down the other aisles quickly to make it look like you're browsing and - oh! Look you just happened to stumble upon candy! Or you can just make a beeline for the candy. That's usually what I do.

The hard part is deciding what you want. I almost always get the Lego blocks. It's candy and it's a toy... what more could you want? But there are so many options. Always make sure you have a game plan when you go in there though, otherwise you're going to be coming out of there with like 16 bags of candy and a very empty wallet. Sure, it'll seem like a good idea at the time, but later you'll probably feel really sick and gross, and you might regret it. Trust me, I know this from experience.

And although I've never personally done it, I'm sure it is a good place for when you need to get baking supplies or if you have a desperate need for lots and lots of nuts. They have stuff like cookies too, which is cool. Oh, and cereal. We all know how much I love cereal.

What do you guys think? Sounds magical, huh? I'm just glad the nearest one to me is half an hour away, or I would be way more broke than I already am.

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