Thursday 2 February 2012

A Brief History

Alright kids, it's time to reveal our back story. If I were reading this blog, I would probably wonder where this name came from. Smart Kids Who Don't Like Math? What is that all about?

One year ago today, Mariah and I started our first day at Science School. Basically you go and you take 3 of 4 courses (you can choose from Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and math) and then you have a spare period. Amazingly, Mariah and I, along with 3 people who are now some of our closest friends, ended up with the same spare. Of course it was a little weird at first, considering we didn't know each other (Mariah and Danielle were friends before this program but they didn't know the rest of us) and we probably spent about 6 days actually using our spares for work until we gradually revealed how strange each of us is, and we became inseparable. We did everything together, and we lived in our own little world.

Here comes the important part. Ready? We had all of the Science courses, and we had math spare. All of us (except for our only male companion, Prince Ali) disliked math, but we're all pretty smart. Thus the name Smart Kids Who Don't Like Math.

And the socially awkward part? Well that is a little tougher to explain... For those of you that know us personally, you get it. The strange references and the noises and faces and just the general states of being. But for those of you who don't know us personally, go back to our first post and Mariah describes us pretty well here.

Anyway, now, a year later, we are still freakishly close, and Mariah and I talk all the time. We had been talking about doing something like this for a while, and then one day we stopped procrastinating and Mariah got us all set up.

So there you go. Nothing too exciting today, but at least you learned a little something about us. Enjoy your Thursday night everyone! Make sure to check back here again tomorrow when we reveal another one of our theme days!

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