Saturday 18 February 2012

Fun Food Friday!: Hippo Hugs

Okay so I was in the grocery store with my mother one day and we're walking down the cookie aisle and this is what I see:
Holy shit. Brownies that are like hugs from hippos? Who wouldn't want that? Now to understand my excitement over this (although, you have to admit, look at them, they look and sound delicious don't they?) you have to understand something about me: I love hippos. I think hippos are amazing. Are they my favourite animal? No. I don't pick favourites. I'm not my mother (Hint: the favourite isn't me... lol jk it totally is xD) 

Anyways, I am a huge fan of hippos. I even gave one of my best friends (we share the hippo thing, after a very interesting story in which he was featured involving man-eating, alien, giant hippos attacking earth was told on the phone) not one, but two origami hippos. On separate occasions of course. Also, someone has to give me points for my amazing run on sentence above. 

So seeing these were amazing. However we did not pick them out. Now fast forward a week or two. Or three. (What's time? I don't even know) I'm unpacking groceries my mother bought, which included snacks I could pack for school (yes, I pack a lunch for university. I'm cheap). And I saw them. I was astounded. I was amazed. I was excited.  

Here's what the brownie looks like (they are individually wrapped too!):
Okay, yes, it does sort of resemble a turd. Don't ruin my life. Anyways, I'm blaming the lighting on that one. They actually look like how they are on the box (for once!). And they are delicious. You know, for store bought individially packaged brownies. Whatever I'll still eat 'em.

That's me making a beard with my brownie. I look a little stoned. And orange. Stupid light. I'm brown. Naturally. Anyways, that was the last one in the whole house. I have no more. :(

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