Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

So I'm sure by this point that you'd probably expect some big rant from me on Valentine's day, but unfortunately that's not what you're going to get. Sorry if that disappoints you, but that's just the way it goes.

Personally, I don't get the big deal, from either perspective.

You always have these people who are in a relationship and they're looking forward to it because for some reason they need a special day to tell their significant other that they love them. Why can't you do that every day? Why do you need a reason to buy your lady flowers, or to draw your man a cute picture inside a card or letter? If you really love them, shouldn't you be able to do that any day?

I find it kind of sad how big a deal this day is. I mean, when you were little, it was just fun to make those little mailboxes out of paper bags and hang them on your desk to get free candy and funny notes from the people in your class. But now that I'm older, that's not gonna happen! I'm not gonna get 30 valentines and a shit ton of free candy! Maybe some candy from teachers but that doesn't really count. But you know what? I can deal with that.

What I can't deal with is listening to people who are single complain about how lonely they are on Valentines day. Umm.... I'm pretty sure that if you're lonely on Valentine's day, you're lonely every other day too, so why are you complaining about it now? It's not going to change anything. If you want your perfect fairy-tale Valentine's day, then go get it! You march right up to your crush, kiss the shit out of them, and tell them how you feel! Too scared to do that? Well then stop complaining, because I don't want to hear it.

You don't need to be in a relationship with someone to be happy, do you? I hope not, because I think that people are way better than that. Don't get me wrong, relationships can be great, but you shouldn't have to rely on that to be happy. There has to be something in your life that makes you happy other than one particular person. Like... don't you have some hobbies or something? Or some friends? Even if you don't have either of these things in your life, which I know you do, you can't get all depressed because it's Valentine's day.

Really. Why is it different from any other day? Those of you who are planning to be upset, using the reason "I'm going to be seeing so many happy couples, and it will remind me of how alone I am" is not going to fly with me. Chances are, you see those same happy couples every day and don't give it a second thought. Why start now? Just keep on walkin' because I know you are better than making yourself sad thinking about the fact that you aren't in a relationship.

All of this being said, I do hope that everyone has a great Valentine's day. But only because I really hope that you all have a great day every day. If you can come up with a decent reason as to why you're upset on Valentine's day (it must pertain to love, other factors don't count!), feel free to leave it in the comments below!

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