Monday 19 March 2012

Sprechen Sprachen

I feel like that title is offensive to German people. Mostly because I made it using Google Translate. I feel offensive just saying that.


I have this huge interest in language. I love learning new words, in English and in other languages. I love learning the roots of words I already know. It's kinda cool when you know a certain word has a greek, latin or german root. It also makes spelling a lot easier.

I wish I had stayed with French all through high school so I could at least speak conversational French. It would have made Montreal so much easier. The thing is, I always felt French was overrated. Everyone is in love with the French language. Tout le monde adore français. That probably wasn't even right. I forget how to conjugate French verbs.

French, Italian... all these languages are so adored all over North America. They are romantic languages. That's amoré! But there are so many languages I find so much more facinating that just don't get the same love.

German, Russian, Indonesian, Swahili, Cantonese... These are languages I want to learn. Sure it would be cool if I could speak more French than reciting Les Trois Petit Cochon, but I'd love to be able to read Faust in its original script. They are beautiful languages, when you hear native speakers converse (although this does not work the same if the native speaker is a power hungry dictator) you can really understand how the sounds all work together. A lot of people just think, "Ew why do you wanna learn German? Isn't Italian so much prettier?"

No. No it is not. I won't lie, when the moon hits my eye like a big pizza pie, that is amore. But it is no more beautiful than German or Cantonese or any other language.

I have a German friend of mine who will teach me words if I ask (I can currently swear and ask how you are) in German, but next year I will hopefully be taking an introductory German course in school. I started learning Indonesian before I went to Bali but I didn't get very far in my online lessons. I can mostly say greetings and where I'm from. Generally just being polite.

So here's what you can do for me reader! I would be forever grateful if you speak another language if in the comments you tell me what your first language is. And if English is your first but you're (kinda) fluent in another let me know that too! Teach me a phrase! If you only really speak English, if there are a few words you do know in another language, leave that in the comments too!


Thanks in advance!

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