Sunday 18 March 2012

Hypocrisy: Who are we kidding?

Before I start, I'd like to second Mariah's apology. She's right, I have just started a new job, but really that doesn't take up a whole lot of my time, I've also been spending probably unhealthy amounts of time in my bed. We're going to try our best to be better!!

Now I'm going to talk about something that bugs me. And I'm sure that anyone who's reading this will have lots of arguments along this twisted road, but please bear with me until I finish this thought. It may take a while, but I promise I will try to make everything clear by the end.

Hypocrisy. A hypocrite (for those of you who may not know, or who may need a refresher) is someone who acts in opposition with their beliefs or feelings on a subject. They are a contradiction to what they stand for.

Let me give you an example. Imagine that someone you know is going on and on about how they hate when their friends say they have low marks but they are getting 80's and 90's. Now imagine that a few days later, this same person gets a test back and is complaining that they "only" got an 82% on it. This person is a hypocrite. They hate that their friends do this, but they are doing the exact same thing.

I'm sure that most of you have experienced this at one point or another, I know I have.

Here's the thing, though. People lie to themselves all the time. You lie to yourself more than you lie to anyone else. You probably lie to yourself more than you even know. You think "Wow I'm such a fucking idiot, I'll never be able to get a passing mark on this project." But really, you know deep down that you're probably not going to fail it. But by the time you get your mark back (and maybe even by the time you hand the assignment in), you've already forgotten that you had this thought, so it doesn't seem to count anymore. Every day, we have all these little thoughts that could, if we let them, build into much bigger thoughts that can destroy us.

Here's the catch, though. Everyone says they hate hypocrites, they hate when people stand for something and then just act in a completely different manner. But who are we kidding? We are all hypocrites, in one form or another. I know that I'm a huge hypocrite. I always tell my friends that I'd rather they tell me the things they are dealing with than have them bottled up, and I'm hardly ever willing to do the same. I can't take my own advice. I tell other people that they deserve to have better self esteem, that they're better than hating themselves, but I can't follow that advice either. I have all these things that I hate about other people, but really, maybe it's just things that I hate about myself and refuse to acknowledge. Why do you think that a lot of people who are really similar can't seem to stay close forever? It's because they start to see all these little things in the other person that they dislike about themselves, and then they start to dislike that about the other person too.

And I'm not saying this happens all the time. I know it doesn't, because look at me and Mariah. We're exactly the same person, and I cannot picture my life without her in it in some way. Sure, we have a few differences, but we're essentially the same. And I love that about her. We've each said it, "You're the reason I'm ok with being me."

Anyways, back to my point. Hypocrisy is all one big joke. It's a cover for those of us who can't seem to just admit to the world that we have more than a few problems with ourselves. It's the same as picking on someone else because you're insecure. It may make you feel momentarily better to rail on someone else, but in the end you're really just covering up for whatever you refuse to acknowledge about yourself.

And really, by posting that hypocrisy bugs me, isn't that a little hypocritical in itself? Or maybe that's closer to the truth. Maybe people can't stand hypocrisy because they know that they are hypocrites. My, what a tangled web I have woven here.

Anyways, that is my little spiel on hypocrisy. I think I confused myself even more, but hopefully you followed at least some of what I said? If not, I apologize, I'm clearly out of practice writing these. We'll get back in the groove of things soon! Leave us some comments, let us know what's on your minds! If you have a topic you'd like us to cover, just let us know, we're always open to suggestions!

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