Monday 19 March 2012

Animal Moustache Monday!

So what is one of your favourite things to do? If you're anything like me it is to avoid homework at all costs and in any possible way, but preferably with the least amount of effort. What is the best way to do this? Surfing the internet. 

What does this have to do with Moustache Monday? Just that I copped out and used surfing the internet for funny pictures as a way to make this post with the least amount of effort. So yes, this post contains pictures from the internet, none of them belonging to me. And no I did not cite them. 

ENJOY MY PLAGIARISM! And enjoy these animals with their own natural moustaches! Everyone wants to join the moustache bandwagon!

 It appears to be quite popular among birds to have moustaches. But they do look like they are ready for a fancy dress party! I will tolerate these birds for the sake of their facial grooming.

 This is one of my favourites. It was made popular by Mythbusters co-host, Jamie Hyneman. I also don't know how to spell his last name. Forgive me.

 This is a very sage wise (redundancy!) Emperor Tamarin. I would like to thank my pal Calvin for sending me this and thus inspired this long overdue Moustache Monday post.

This one is Becca's dog Raleigh, sporting a very fancy moustache. So technically this photo wasn't stolen because I got the necessary permission. ie Becca said, "Here's a picture of my dog" and I replied, "TO THE INTERNET!"

Now I have to return to reading a German play, an activity that is uncannily similar to a Game of Thrones rewatch while eating Jelly Bellies and texting your friend how much you hate Joffrey.

Happy Monday readers! Also, I'd like to thank our dedicated readers who have been coming back to check on the blog even after our two week absence. Yes, I frequently check the stats and check our views.

No promises but in the next few days I may post about language. WHAT WHAT!

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