Monday 5 March 2012

Make Your Own Moustache Monday!

Alright folks, it's that time again. You got it, Moustache Monday!

I am going to explain how it is possible to make a moustache out of nearly anything you have laying around, because honestly it's such a useful skill. I have acquired most of these skills from going to school with Mariah and spending all my time with my math spare, but if you feel like trying some of these on your own, you moustache on, my friend!

One of our main go-to's was tape. We usually had some laying around, and you can easily attach it to your face after shaping it in your preferred moustache style.

Another common item was a paper towel tube. This was tougher, because you usually end up with a King Tut kind of beard going on, and you don't usually get a moustache out of it, but that's ok too.

Twist ties are a great option. They are so easy to bend into any moustache shape you desire. In fact, just a couple weeks ago (if you recall), I went to Bulk Barn with my friend. This means bags of candy secured with twist ties. We obviously weren't going to wait til we were back to eat candy, so I was holding onto a twist tie while we had that. Me being me, I couldn't just sit there with a twist tie, oh no. I had to curl the ends and make myself a moustache. I was told "Come on, it's not even Moustace Monday!" Every day can be Moustache Monday if you want it to be.

Play-Doh is also great, although a little tougher to keep on your face, and you have to be ok with the smell. I actually love the smell of Play-Doh, so this is good. My friend Bree and I made moustaches out of Play-Doh when I stayed with her in the summer, and we had a great time :)

I think I'll leave it there for now, you guys have a few options to try out. We'll revisit this topic at a later time with some other handy materials. Tell us what you guys would make moustaches out of!


  1. have you tried permanent marker lol seems like an obvious choice but you might not have tried it yet. and since its permanent it'll last.... longer?

    k if you need a weird word in the future, permanent marker.

    or reckless. cause its in order to be less reck you have to be reck in the first place. and although reck is a word.... i have never heard anyone say oh that was a vey reck move by # 6.

    so why do people still say reckless? and not reck.

    same with ruthless.... ruthfull.... what the heck is RUTH?

    1. I like your style Bagels. Permanent marker has been an idea of mine, but that's a bit more awkward when you come down to have dinner with your family.

      How's this sound: If I ever get the nerve to try it, I will post pictures up of my permanent marker moustache adventure. In public.

      Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. your moustache will nevr be half the moustache mine is!

    1. Then send us a photo of your moustache! We'd love to see it!
