Sunday 18 March 2012

Our Apologies Readers

So we've been a little scant on the blogging lately. In our defense... we're lazy.

But in all seriousness, Becca started a new job, and I have no real excuse other than I've been spending a lot of personal time with my bed and attempting to maybe start the readings and assignments I have to do by the end of the month.

So I had no real plan when I sat down to write this blog, just that I should write something. So it's gonna be a little rambley and probably make no sense. Or have grammar.

I will post a new Moustache Monday tomorrow, and I will try to make up for this post with that. I had meant to post it last week but I got lazy and I tend to make excuses for myself to go do something else.

I don't get shit done. For future reference.

That's all for now, but I might try to post again later tonight. Or I might just eat lots of food and go into a food coma with a side of no motivation. 

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