Saturday 21 January 2012


I think I'm pretty much an expert at this subject by now. For example, this post was supposed to be up yesterday and I went out with friends instead.

But what really makes a great procrastinator? Let's look at some qualities here:
1. Putting things off until the last possible second, and even then sometimes not doing stuff.
2. Making excuses as to why you can put things off so long.
3. Resorting to any measure possible in order to put things off.

But these things do not make a truly great procrastinator. Oh no, there's more.

For example, you can't just say you're going to put something off. You have to commit to it. You have to find anything you could do to put it off, and do that instead. Here is a list of things you may want to consider next time you are procrastinating:
- Tumblr. I love Tumblr. I probably spend more time on Tumblr than on any other thing I do. Tumblr knows how you feel at all times.
- Showering. I personally can take a good 45 minute shower every single day of my life. It puts off whatever you are trying to avoid and you smell good afterward. Win win.
- Eating. There is always something to eat, whether it's a good idea to consume it or not, it will take up time, guaranteed. And who knows, maybe you'll get food poisoning or something else cool that'll make sure you're not able to do anything productive for a while.
- Playing games. You get yourself going on some Paxcon or some Tetris and you're basically out for the night.
- Netflix. 'Nuff said.

- Sleeping. There are so many people I know that will stay up and lose out on sleep just to work on a project or to finish writing a paper or whatever it is that they feel obligated to do. Why? Why would you do that to yourself? Just go to bed.

But I cant tell you what to do while you're avoiding your life. You need to find your own thing too. So now that you've wasted time not doing whatever it is that you're supposed to do by reading this, go find your own way to procrastinate. I know you have it in you.

1 comment:

  1. Entirely accurate.
    The pacxon tab on my computer has been open for weeks now.
    And three hour naps are a daily thing now.
