Thursday 26 January 2012

People Watching

Alright, I think it's time we get something out in the open here. Everybody likes to know everybody else's business. Don't even try to deny it, because I know it's true. Think about it. Let's take the most obvious example of all; Facebook. Listen to this scenario and think about whether you have done it: You are sitting in front of your computer and your news feed is super boring. It's one of those weird times in the afternoon or when you're awake before anyone else your age, and there is nothing to do. You see someone has changed their profile picture, but you can't get a good sense of what it is from the thumbnail so you click to see the full-sized picture. Next thing you know, half an hour has passed and you've seen all of this person's pictures, you've read all their wall posts, and you've read all of their personal information. You better have answered, "Yes, I have done that!" because I know you have. If you answered no, you are a liar and I don't like you anymore.

So back to my point. We like to know other peoples' business. It's basic human nature at this point. But you can't just "creep" people on Facebook all day. You have to be able to carry these skills, if you will, out into the real world. And where is the best place to do that? A mall. Or at a diner with a conveniently located window through which you can see the street and all the people walking down aforementioned street.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Why would I just watch people walk down the street?" Good question, friends. The number one reason is plain and simple: entertainment. As in  most of our posts so far, I am going to give you a list of suggestions. Ready? Here we go:

  1. Amusing nicknames. There is endless entertainment to be had from naming people based on their appearances or their idiosyncrasies. Don't get me wrong, this can easily turn into something extremely mean, where you start picking on people. That is not what this is. Do not do that. Don't be that guy. 
  2. Playing the game 1, 2, 3. This is a very simple but amusing game in which you determine who you are going to marry based on passersby. You and a friend sit together, and based on whichever gender you prefer, your friend will count of first one person, and then the next, and finally the third. You get to decide who you want to end up with. But here's the catch; You don't get to know them all before you make your decision. If you deny number 1, your friend must identify number 2. If you reject number 2 as well, you must go with number 3, NO MATTER WHAT. Choose wisely, friends. 
  3. Seeing the weird things that people do when they think nobody is looking. Caution: this may be highly disturbing, feel free to look away at any point... if you can. If you find yourself unable to look away, well then I'm sorry. I hope you don't see anything to scarring. 

Alright, so maybe there isn't that much to do while you people watch. But it's something we all do, and if you don't do it, well, now is the time to start. Never again will you be bored as you look out the window of a diner or sit in the mall food court. 

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