Saturday 28 January 2012

Getting Old is For Losers

I don't know about you, but I could never imagine myself getting older. I didn't mind imagining myself getting into my 20s but that's right about where it always stopped for me. I always thought, "Screw you guys, I'm not getting old."

I mean, who ever wants to get old. If you do, you're weird. I mean what good comes of getting old. Hell, I barely want to get into my 20s now. Let's just stop at 19. Look at the pros and cons:

  • You're still technically a teen, so you can definitely use that to your advantage. Feeling moody and angsty? "I can't help it, I'm a teenager!" You're allowed to feel sorry for yourself and whine a lot. 
  • You can drink, but you're at that age where people expect you to be irresponsible. So if you get so hammered you end up vomiting for three hours straight, they'll just say "Well what did you expect?" and if you drink responsibly, 'cause you know you're limit, you get praised. HOORAY! (This does not work if you live in the US. Sucks to be you guys)
  • No one expects you to be finished school. Thus you don't have to graduate and you don't have to get a real job. 
  • In general, if you act responsible, you'll get praised. Like, "Oh wow, look at her, paying bills and living on her own. She's just so mature!"
  • No wrinkles or sagging. 
  • C'mon, who here would not love their 19 years old metabolism? You can eat frickin' everything and it doesn't affect you. Not to mention you actually have energy to do shit. Most of the time.
  • You're at that age (at least for girls) where you be sexy and foine. All the time. 
  • If you get a tattoo, you don't have to worry about how it'll affect you when you're older. 'Cause you'll never get older. 
  • Everyone would still treat you like a kid. 
  • For the girls: All the guys who'd be into you are gonna be extremely immature and annoying. For the boys: girls your age love an older man. 
  • You're stuck in school. Forever. Cause 1) no one would believe you got your Masters when you were 19 2) if you're not in school, everyone assumes you're a lowlife cause you couldn't get in or you dropped out.
  • If you don't want to pay bills and everything... You'd have to live with your parents. Forever. *shudders* 
Okay, looking on it now, maybe it wouldn't be so cool. But still, the pros outweigh the cons. It's totally a good idea.

Besides, if we can find a way to keep us perpetually one age, then maybe we can use the technology to keep cats as kittens and to keep tigers as cubs so they can stay cute and not able to bite your face off FOREVER!

C'mon, admit it. You think it's awesome.

If you were gonna stay one age, what age would it be? EXPLAIN FOR FULL MARKS! ... Just kidding.

NOTE: Starting Monday we will be starting "theme days".   I'll keep the themes as a surprise for now, but if you have suggestions for new ones, or you're not digging the ones we start unveiling then tell us in the comments. Down there v


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