Monday 30 January 2012

Pet Peeves: The Many Annoyances of Becca

WARNING: If you are offended by swearing, I'm really sorry, but you need to turn back now. 

Pet Peeve #1:
Loud/messy/gross eating. Who the fuck wants to hear you chewing and swallowing like a cow. Nobody. You can eat soup without inhaling it, and I don't need to watch your food as it is being chewed. That's disgusting. You don't need to talk with your mouth packed with food (even though I do that) and if you do it, at least cover it up with your hand or a napkin or something so that I don't have to look at it. I have had food spit on me and drinks sprayed at me, and just about everything you can name... I hate it. Can't stand it. We went out for Pho one time. That was torture.A whole restaurant full of people slurping their Vietnamese noodles? Never again.Keep your food in your mouth and stop making so much god damn noise.

 Pet Peeve #2:
 I know it's been done a million times, but those bitches that stand in the middle of the halls at school or on the stairs. Keep moving!Or move to the side, or something. What is the point of just standing in the middle of the fucking road? Don't do it, because I may look weak and shit but I will run you right the fuck over.

Pet Peeve #3:
 When people want to be included and they stand there not saying anything and not making eye contact and not participating or giving any indication whatsoever that they are alive. If you want to be included in my conversation then you need to be alive.Look me in the eyes once in a while, or at least in my direction. Don't just stand there waiting for me to talk to you, because chances are I have tried and you have not bothered to reciprocate because you assume I'm not talking to you (here's a hint, look at me and you'll know). And then if you want to make it worse, don't just walk away trying to pretend you're all hurt because I didn't talk to you.No, that shit just doesn't fly with me.You either make an effort or walk away without trying to make me feel guilty. Or do try to make me feel guilty, i don't care, it's not going to work. It just pisses me off more.

Pet Peeve #4:
 People who don't take care of their pets.Something will be wrong with their pet and they're standing there like "What should I do? Should I call the vet? Should I wait? What is even going on?"And I'm sitting there like "Dude, call the vet. By the time you actually drag your ass out of there and call the vet, your dog is probably going to be dead." I have seen so many animals that are injured or sick or that lose puppies because their owners are too fucking stupid to bring in their pet. If it's about money then you need to maybe not get a pet in the first place.Would you sit around wondering if you should call a doctor if your kid was puking up blood or had eaten a fucking towel or something? I don't think so!! Treat your animals the same way.

Pet Peeve #5: 
 People who have like 500 million fucking thousand pictures of themselves on Facebook.I know I post probably like a lot of pictures of me on Tumblr and shit, but I'm not standing there like "Omg this is such a bad picture of me lolololol" just trying to get some attention. Back the fuck off bitch, because I will tell you straight up, you are ugly as a motherfucker. Don't come crying to me when nobody likes your picture because you're a whore that is posing in your bathroom with hardly any clothes on. Oh, and that's another thing, when people change their dp and then post a status like "Look at my new dp, like and comment plzzzzz xoxooxxo." 
 just no.

 get out.

 Thus ends the rant for today.

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