Wednesday 11 April 2012

Confessions of a Sleepaholic

If somebody were to ask me what I did last weekend, I'd have one very simple answer for them: I slept. Now, a lot of the time that's just what people say when they didn't do anything particularly exciting. But I actually spent about 95% of my time in bed. I think I left my house once. For an hour.

The weird thing is, no matter how much sleep I get, I always wake up tired again. What is that about? That's not fair at all. It's like, I put in all this effort and spend my time resting up, only to have nothing to show for it? I don't even do anything that could possibly be tiring me out.

But that's ok. You know why? Because I love sleep. I love my bed and my 8 pillows and my 7 layers of blankets. I love burrowing down and shutting out the world for a while.

The other night at dinner my parents said they were trying to plan vacation stuff for this year and wanted to know what I wanted to do for March Break. I'm sure you can guess my response. I didn't say I wanted to go away or anything, oh no, I simply replied, "Sleep." the funny thing is they didn't really question it.

Maybe I sleep so much now to make up for all the times I haven't slept. When I was little I had huge issues with getting to sleep and I've always had a lot of dreams, which makes me feel more tired when I wake up. I still have a lot of nights where I get very little sleep. When I was at science school I averaged about 4-6 hours a night. Usually closer to 4 than 6, but I dealt with it.

These days I can get a good 11 hours and wake up feeling exhausted. I can spend entire days doing nothing but laying in my bed reading and napping and still wake up the next day feeling so tired. I think that if I could sleep forever more I'd be ok with that.

Imagine if our cycles were reversed. We'd sleep all the time, only waking up for (on average) about 8 hours a day. Wouldn't that be great? I think that people would be a lot nicer and they would have way less stress. Don't you agree?

Man, just thinking about sleeping this much makes me tired. Nap time...

Ok So I actually wrote this like 2 months ago, maybe more... You'll all be happy to hear that my relationship with my bed is just as strong as ever. I've spent the last god knows how many Saturday nights in bed. I realize how pathetic this is, yes, especially considering one of these Saturdays was St. Patrick's Day, but y'all can deal with it cuz I'm (mostly) ok with it!!

Are you guys tired of hearing about my weird lifestyle choices yet? I mean, I probably won't stop talking about them if you are, but it would be interesting to know what you think.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

To Try or Not To Try? That Is the Question

So I'm one of those awkward kids who sit by themselves at parties and usually spend their weekends at home by themselves with a whole lot of food and streaming movies online (totally not what I'm doing this weekend). You'll need to keep this in mind to see the contrast in the next situation.

So I'm sitting outside of class waiting for it to begin so I can get it over with and go home. Also, I was hungry. So I sit against the wall and try to be away from other people, however more people begin showing and they begin to start to sit in my general vicinity. Not impressed. We're all sitting there silently, as it should be, when one fellow from my class begins a conversation. He says hello and he's very friendly. He even notices that we almost form a circle and then suggests that I move away from the wall and in closer to the group and complete the circle.

What the hell. Okay, I know I should not be mad for someone trying to include me, but the thing is, you can't politely decline joining other people. So I was forced to interact socially. Now, this fellow manages to keep the conversation going, even as I mostly just stare at my shoes and glance at the classroom door hoping it will open and we can just start class. However this is not the case.

Now, I start to wonder, as I look at this awkward boy who is friendly and talking cheerfully. He even mentions that he once got a pencil set for Christmas, and upon further questioning he admits that yes, that's what he wanted. The question on my mind is, Is it better to be socially awkward and try to be social or should we accept our awkward fate?

The latter is usually how I deal. Whenever I try to start conversations they usually end up very short, with a lot of nodding and then a quick exit. But somehow this kid, who always has a packed lunch (in university, really?) and sits at the front and always seems to have something to say about the readings, still manages to walk away from class having had a few conversations and what seems to be a friend. Whereas I sit at the back, usually avoiding eye contact and almost always has nothing to say, but still show up every week.

I could probably make friends if I smiled politely and started a conversation, but that's a lot of effort on my part. Is it worth the effort? Or will I just have more awkward conversations and more people who avoid the seat next to me?

So what do you guys think? Should I try? Or accept my fate?

Monday 2 April 2012

Moustache Monday

This was on the bag of chips a friend of mine brought over to my house.

Yes, this is all you get. Now I have to go study for a test and get working on reading the 9 books I need to catch up on in the next month.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Why do These Things Happen to You?

For those of you who know me personally, you probably are very well aware of the fact that ridiculous things tend to happen to me. And most of the time, it's for no good reason!

I'll start you off with an example here, but first a bit of a back story. I tend to not wear pants at home.. now don't get too excited, I just turn into a super white girl and wear leggings with a t-shirt and a long cardigan instead. It's just comfy ok?! I don't leave the house like that. Anyways, because I tend to also be super lazy most of the time, I will just go to bed in these tights and a large sweater (usually borrowed from my brother... but don't tell him. He doesn't actually know). This was the case last night, in fact. So I went to bed in my leggings and my brother's hoodie, comfy as can be. Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I awoke due to severe lack of body heat. I realized this was because I had somehow managed to get my sweater off in the middle of the night and was using it as extra support with my pillow. I was very confused but decided the best course of action would be to put it back on. So I felt around the collar of the sweater to make sure that the hood was in the back, and I slipped it back on and went to sleep again. This morning when I woke up, the hood was in the front. Clearly I just misjudged what I was feeling when I put the sweater back on, but really, let's just think for a second. Most of the time, I can't get a sweater off when I'm fully conscious. How the heck did I get it off WHILE I WAS ASLEEP?!

Here's another story for you guys.This one is actually quite upsetting for me, but I'll tell it anyway. A few weeks ago, on March Break, my best friend and I went on a shopping trip to Niagara Falls with my mom and my aunt. In this one store that we went to, I found this really great dress. Now, I'm not a confident person in the least, but even I could see that it looked pretty good on me, and even better was that it made me feel good. So obviously I decided to buy it. I had tried on a medium, and it fit perfectly, but there were some seams coming out so I decided I'd grab a different medium to buy. I checked the tag for the size and continued on through the store. When I got home from the shopping trip, my dad wanted to see what I had purchased, so I got all my stuff and went downstairs to show off my new stuff. It was only then that I looked at the tag of my perfect dress and saw that it was, in fact, a large. I was heartbroken! My dress, too big! We thought we'd just go exchange it, because there should have been a store semi-close to where I live, right? Wrong. The nearest one was an hour and a half away. So my mom, being nice, said we'd go after school one day to switch it out. Well if you weren't sure yet whether the universe truly hated me, here's your proof. They had just switched over all their styles and guess who had the old style of dress? That's right, this guyyyy. And to just add that cherry on top, they don't even give cash refunds, you either get to exchange or get store credit. There was nothing there that I wanted. I now have roughly $20 in credit at a store nowhere near where I live.

I'm that girl that shit just happens to. I dunno. Maybe that's not so abnormal, maybe everyone has stuff like that. But I tend to hear the phrase, "Oh my goodness, why does this stuff happen to you?" a lot.

Oh here's a good one... If you're squeamish I'd suggest you skip down to the end and try not to read this next section. Last year, when we did our dissections at Science School, my friend Danielle and I were partners, and we were working away on our fetal pig. Well, I think that pretty much everything that could have went wrong in those 2 days did. Let's just make a list here:

  • Our scalpel got stuck in the skull and when Danielle tried to pull it out, the handle came off and the blade stayed in. Poor piggy had a blade in his (her? I don't remember...) skull until our teacher could come over and pry it out
  • After we ruled out the scalpel, I was attempting to cut away pieces of the skull with the scissors and managed to send a piece flying across the room, almost hitting our good friend Moe.. 
  • When we took out the heart, I was goofing around (there's a reason they tell you not to goof around in labs ok) and tried to make the heart beat by squeezing it... well it was a little slippery and flew out of my hand, landed on our lab bench and slid around for a few seconds before coming to a stop at the edge
And finally, the grand finale of our series of unfortunate events here. This was a 2 day dissection, so at the end of day 1 we had to put our fetal pigs back into their plastic bags and wrap them up for the next day. I clearly wasn't thinking straight when I wrapped it, though, and it came back to bite me when I took out our pig the next day. I ended up with pig juice (for lack of a better term) all down the front of my lab coat, as well as all over my sleeve and the floor. I know I looked pathetic as I wiped up the puddle on my hands and knees whilst crying. At least my amazing friends came to my rescue with lots of paper towels to shove up my sleeve! I had to wear the teacher's lab coat for the rest of the dissection... that was a little weird. 

Anyways, those are just a few of the crazy random happenstances that occur in my daily life. Hopefully you have enjoyed hearing of my misfortune haha. There are tons more, I just can't think of any really good ones at the moment. I tend to just accept them and move on, so they don't stick out in my mind, unfortunately. 

What kinds of random things happen to you guys? I can't be the only one that has stupid stuff happen to them! 

Friday 30 March 2012

Fun Food Friday!

Today's fun food is something I am very big on. You know when people ask, "If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Well my answer is almost always cereal. There are just so many great things about it.

First of all, you can quite easily put cereal in a plastic baggie and take it with you to school or work for a quick snack. I find it super handy when I'm walking to/from school/work, or even when I'm taking the bus somewhere. Hell, I even take it out in class when I really want it.

That's another great thing, you can eat it with or without milk. Personally, I love milk, so I tend to drown most of my cereals, but really it's good either way. Here's a bit of a fat-kid admission for you: I often will grab a handful of cereal to munch on (munch is an odd word... Weird Word Wednesday, anyone?) while I'm deciding what my actual snack/meal is going to be.

There is a lot of variety when it comes to cereal. I'm just gonna go ahead and use the categories we had in my house while I was growing up. You have your "healthy cereals" like Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies and Cheerios. You've got your really healthy cereals, like All Bran and Muesli (who even eats that anyway? I don't even know what's in it....). And then you've got the gold mine that is "sugar cereals." You have so many options when it comes to this category. Froot Loops, Cap'n Crunch, Count Chocula (never had it, but I love the name), Corn Pops, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms! Walking down the cereal aisle has the potential to be very dangerous. Either I'll want to buy a ton, which is dangerous for my wallet, or I'll have a super hard time choosing, and may end up leaving empty handed, which is dangerous both to my nerves and my emotions.

Here's the thing about cereal. I figure you could actually live off of it quite easily. With milk, you get most of what you need anyway. I mean, you'd need protein (although you do get some in your milk), and there's probably a couple vitamins or whatever that you'd need to take, but other than that you've essentially got what you need. You've got your grain and dairy, and there's quite a few vitamins between the cereal and the milk.. I know I could survive.

I think cereal is completely underrated, and that people need to appreciate it a little more. I mean, think about it. You wouldn't have Rice Krispie squares if the Kellogg brothers hadn't first invented Rice Krispies! Cereal is also fun to eat out of a mug, I find. But that might just be me, because I don't like eating soup out of a mug. Mostly because I don't really like soup... But there's that! And also.. who hasn't done that thing where you take some cereal like Corn Pops (these work especially well) and tossed it to a friend/sibling for them to catch in their mouth? Cereal has the potential to not only nourish you, but entertain you as well!

I just want to emphasize my love for cereal by telling you that I usually go through a box of cereal in a week by myself. If my parents are smart and buy the "Family Size" or "Jumbo Size" or whatever they're called it'll last me longer, obviously, but just a regular box of cereal will last me one week, a week and a half at the most.I mentioned in my post about what to do when you're alone that I eat cereal for basically every meal when I'm left to feed myself. Now you know why!

Look at that, I managed a post that wasn't too confusing for once! Tell me what your favourite cereal is you guys! I am curious about these things!

Friday 23 March 2012

Fun Food Friday! Jellybean edition

So I've always loved jellybeans. Except the licorice ones. Those ones are gross. Jellybeans are really awesome. They are tasty and you can feel like you're eating some lentils or beans or whatever. People will be like, "What did you eat all day?" and you can say "Beans" without being a liar.

However, there is a certain type of jellybean that makes all other jellybeans seem awful and terrible and not worth getting excited over. These my friend, are Jelly Bellies.

I can't remember the first time I came across jelly bellies. It might have been when my brother and I were at the train station and there was a stall that had all 49 flavours and my brother and I bought the assorted and I cried tears of happiness and sunshine. These are the greatest fucking candies in the world. They are the only candies where its fruit flavours ACTUALLY TASTE LIKE THE FRUIT. I can't find that stall anymore, I think they took it away because of renovations. Stupid renovations taking away my happiness.

Feel like eating some buttered popcorn but don't like kernels stuck in your teeth? They have a buttered popcorn flavour that tastes exactly like movie theatre popcorn without the kernerls OR the grease! They are so realistic, I get the same nauseous feeling I eat too many of them that I get when I eat too much popcorn that isn't smart food.

They have a toasted marshmallow flavour. I don't know if you're comprehending this. It tastes like someone took a marshmallow, put it on a pointy stick and held it over an open fire while sharing ghost stories and laughter and without all the smoke that gets in your eyes and makes you cry. It tastes like how every summer should.

There was a caramel apple flavour. I had the wonderful experience of trying this for the first time last week. My mind was blown. It tasted exactly like candy apples. I wanted more. I would not be content until I had more. There were only like three in my bag. I moped.

These are the only candies I've ever had that came close to anything that could have been produced by Willy Wonka. I picture Gene Wilder whenever I eat them and Violet Beauregard or whatever her name was turning into a giant purple ball. It's a good image.

I tend to avoid the blueberry flavour though.

But they taste like blueberries and not like popsicles. Although a popsicle flavour would be awesome. Like creamsicles. The red ones.

I'm going to end here before I start another rant about red creamsicles. And that is for another week my dear readers. You're gonna have to wait for that one.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Weird Word Wednesday!!

Alright kids, today's word? Blurb.

You just go ahead and take a few minutes to really taste that word. Say it as many times as you need to. Enunciated, slow, in a weird voice, 10 times fast... Do what you gotta do.

Ready to keep going? Good.

Why does it seem that every word that contains b's and u's and usually an l sound so odd to me? Am I the only one that thinks that (other than Mariah)? Maybe? In any case, I'm going to talk about it. Deal wit' it!

First of all, who even uses this word anyway? Old people maybe, or those weirdos who say things like "There was a blurb in the paper about that guy who can braid hair with his toes, did you see it?" but really, the majority of people do not use this word. I'd be willing to place quite a bit of money on saying that there is no exact translation for "blurb" in almost every other language in the world.

Secondly, it doesn't even feel like you're saying a word. It just feels like you're making weird noises, like maybe your system malfunctioned and you lost control of language for a second. Try this for me: say the word blurb repeatedly for about a minute, or even 30 seconds will suffice. Think about how you feel now, after having listened to me. You probably feel pretty dumb, seeing as I got you to sound like that. But think about the word now. It doesn't even sound like a real word anymore, does it?! What is that all about?

The last point I want to make has to do with something that maybe only I am afflicted with. Say the word just one more time, but make sure and listen to your voice as you do this. Do any of you say it with a weird accent kind of thing? Because it happens to me every single time and I have no idea where this comes from. Blurb is full of voo doo magic, apparently. The best way for me to describe to you what I sound like is to refer to dear old Nigel Thornberry from The Wild Thornberry's. Remember how he says "Blarghhhh"? If you need a refresher, here's a short clip: Well my pronunciation, god knows why, ends up kind of like that. It kind of sounds more like "Blarb" for some reason. Again, I have absolutely no idea how this happened. Am I completely crazy?? Does anyone else end up with an accent, Nigel Thornberry or otherwise, when they say this word?? Oh dear.

Anyways. There's your Weird Word for this lovely Wednesday. Hopefully these posts aren't ruining your verbal use of the English language. I mean, I sincerely doubt that anyone old is reading this (if you are old, I hope I have not offended you... I have nothing against old people, I promise), and if you're one of those weirdos I mentioned before, well.... Maybe it's for the best that I have (possibly) ruined this word for you. What do you guys think? Am I way off base here, or is blurb really a weird word?